Skin Conditions
Skin cancers and conditions such as Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), cysts, lipomas, and skin tags can impact both health and appearance. At The ENT Consultancy, we offer expert care to diagnose and treat Head & Neck Skin Cancers (H&N), providing effective solutions tailored to each patient.
Skin cancers including Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) can develop from prolonged sun exposure or other factors, affecting skin health across the head and neck. Our specialists offer treatments to remove cancerous cells effectively, ensuring the best outcomes for recovery.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is a common type of head & neck Skin Cancer that can develop from prolonged sun exposure or damaged skin. Our specialists provide expert care to diagnose and treat SCC, focusing on safe removal and long-term skin health.
Lipomas are soft, fatty lumps that develop under the skin and can cause discomfort or affect appearance. Our specialists offer precise removal of lipomas, ensuring improved comfort and a restored natural look.
Meet Our Skin Condition Specialists

Mr. Tom Rourke
Mr. Tom Rourke is a Consultant ENT Surgeon with specialist expertise in facial plastic surgery and skin cancer treatment. Having trained at leading hospitals across Nottingham, Norwich, Oxford, and London, he completed a surgical fellowship focusing on nose, sinus, and facial plastic surgery, gaining advanced skills in managing complex skin cancers of the head and neck. As Clinical Lead for The ENT Consultancy, he provides expert diagnosis and treatment for skin cancers, cysts, and other dermatological conditions affecting the face and neck, ensuring precise and effective care.

Mr. Kristian Huston
Mr. Kristian Hutson is a Consultant ENT Surgeon who specialises in facial plastic surgery and skin reconstruction. After qualifying with distinction from St. George’s Hospital Medical School, he completed specialist ENT training in the East of England deanery, followed by a prestigious fellowship with the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. He has gained extensive experience in rhinoplasty, skin cancer reconstruction and cosmetic procedures. With multiple research publications and international recognition, he provides advanced treatment for skin cancers, cysts, and facial skin conditions.

Book An Appointment For Your Skin Condition
The body’s largest organ, your skin, is essential for protecting you and maintaining overall health. Our specialists are ready to help restore your skin’s health and appearance.
Book your appointment with the ENT Consultancy today to receive expert care.