CT and MRI of the Ear Mastoid
CT (Computed Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scans of the ear mastoid provide detailed views of the bone and surrounding structures in the inner and middle ear. These imaging techniques are essential for diagnosing conditions such as chronic infections, cholesteatoma, or mastoiditis, which may not be visible through physical examination alone. CT scans are particularly effective in highlighting bone abnormalities, while MRIs excel in identifying soft tissue issues and inflammatory changes.
At The ENT Consultancy, these scans are utilised to ensure a comprehensive understanding of ear health. Our specialists use the images to develop precise treatment plans tailored to the patient’s needs. Whether addressing persistent infections or preparing for surgical interventions, these imaging tools play a vital role in ensuring successful treatments.
Schedule your CT or MRI scan with The ENT Consultancy today to explore how advanced imaging can enhance your ear health.